Optimal risk management with reinsurance and its counterparty risk hedging
时间: 2023-04-14 10:30-11:30
Relative mirror symmetry and the proper Landau—Ginzburg potential
演讲者:Fenglong You(苏黎世联邦理工学院)
时间: 2023-04-13 17:15-18:15
地点:Zoom ID 396 431 7007, Passcode 000222
Stackelberg Reinsurance Games From a Single Game to a Chain of Game
时间: 2023-04-13 16:30-17:30
Genus one Virasoro constraints for Fano complete intersections in projective spaces
演讲者:Shuai Guo(北京大学)
时间: 2023-04-13 16:00-17:00
地点:Zoom ID 396 431 7007, Passcode 000222
Global smooth solutions to 4-D quasilinear wave equations with a class of large initial data
时间: 2023-04-13 10:30-11:30
地点:腾讯会议 ID 210-206-048,密码 2982
Convergence of renormalized finite element methods for heat flow of harmonic maps
时间: 2023-04-12 15:00-16:00
地点:腾讯会议 ID 943-657-319
Global stability of Kaluza-Klein spacetimes
演讲者:Zoe Wyatt(伦敦国王学院)
时间: 2023-04-07 17:00-18:00
地点:Zoom ID 988 7009 9931, Passcode 456926
The Interleaving Distance on Persistence Modules
时间: 2023-04-03 14:00-15:00
Some recent results on PDEs with potentials and the stability of solitons and kinks
演讲者:Fabio Pusateri(多伦多大学)
时间: 2023-03-31 21:30-22:30
地点:Zoom ID 966 1679 0292, Passcode 976956