
A note on the Monge-ampere type equations with general source terms

Speaker: QIU Weifeng(Hong Kong Baptist University)

Time: Mar 15, 2017, 16:00-17:00

Location: Conference Room 706, Service Center of Scientific Research and Teaching

Basic results for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

Speaker: HUANG Jingchi

Time: Mar 7, 2017, 14:30-15:30

Location: Science and Education Service Center 706

Recent progress on classical solutions for compressible isentropic Navier-Stokes equations with degenerate viscosities and vacuum

Speaker: Shengguo ZHU

Time: Mar 2, 2017, 16:10-17:10

Location: Conference Room 706, Service Center of Scientific Research and Teaching

The Large Deviation Principle and Steady-state Fluctuation Theorem for the Entropy Production Rate of a Stochastic Process in Magnetic Fields

Speaker: Lihu Xu

Time: Feb 23, 2017, 16:10-17:10

Location: Conference Room 706, Service Center of Scientific Research and Teaching

A stable scheme for a 2D dynamic Q-tensor model of nematic liquid crystals

Speaker: Dr. Yongyong Cai

Time: Jan 12, 2017, 16:10-17:10

Location: Conference Room 706, Service Center of Scientific Research and Teaching

Mathematical analysis of plasmonic resonance for 2-D photonic crystal

Speaker: Guanghui Zheng

Time: Jan 12, 2017, 09:30-10:30

Location: Conference Room 706, Service Center of Scientific Research and Teaching

Hierarchical Reconstruction Method for Solving ill-posed Linear Inverse Problems

Speaker: Dr. Ming Zhong

Time: Jan 11, 2017, 11:00-12:00

Location: Conference Room 706, Service Center of Scientific Research and Teaching

Level-set based structured solution for geophysical imaging

Speaker: Dr. LI Wenbin (Michigan State University)

Time: Dec 27, 2016, 16:10-17:10

Location: Conference Room 706, Service Center of Scientific Research and Teaching

Estimating Integrated Volatility Using High-Frequency Data with Zero Duration

Speaker: Dr. Zhi LIU

Time: Dec 6, 2016, 10:30-11:30

Location: Conference Room 706, Service Center of Scientific Research and Teaching

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