
Three representations of finite projective planes in projective space

  • 演讲者:Alice Man Wa HUI(北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院)

  • 时间:2020-10-16 16:00-17:00

  • 地点:慧园3栋415

A projective plane is a point-line incidence structure with the following properties: any two points lie on a unique line; any two lines intersect at a unique point; there exist at least four distinct points of which no three are collinear. In this talk, three representations of finite projective planes in high dimensional projective spaces will be introduced. They are the Bruck-Bose representation, the Bose representation, and the cone representation.
Alice Man Wa Hui received her Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Hong Kong. In 2016, she joined BNU-HKBU International United College in Zhuhai. She is currently an Associate Professor in the Statistics Program. Her research focuses on finite geometry and related graph theory. She is the principal investigator (PI) of two NSFC research projects.