
Application of Scalable Parallel Algorithm in Cardiovascular-Cerebrovascular Hemodynamics Simulation

Speaker: YAN Zhengzheng (Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS)

Time: Sep 8, 2020, 15:00-16:00

Location: Zoom (ID 69683218649)

The metric projections onto closed convex cones in a Hilbert space

Speaker: Yanqi Qiu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Time: Sep 3, 2020, 11:00-12:00

Location: Zoom (ID 651 5107 9463)

On unstable entropy and preimage entropy

Speaker: Weisheng Wu (China Agricultural University)

Time: Sep 3, 2020, 09:50-10:50

Location: Zoom (ID 651 5107 9463)

Recent contributions to the ergodic optimization of maps and flows

Speaker: Paulo Varandas (Federal University of Bahia)

Time: Sep 2, 2020, 17:00-18:00

Location: Zoom (ID 651 5107 9463)

Phase retrieval and its application in the inveres scattering problems

Speaker: LIU Xiaodong (AMSS)

Time: Sep 2, 2020, 15:00-16:00

Location: Zoom (ID 65136250650)

Hausdorff dimension of sets with restricted, slowly growing partial quotients

Speaker: Hiroki Takahasi (Keio University)

Time: Sep 2, 2020, 10:00-11:00

Location: Zoom (ID 651 5107 9463)

Stability and Convergence of Exponential Integrators for Semi-linear Delay Differential Equations

Speaker: ZHAO Jingjun (Harbin Institute of Technology)

Time: Sep 1, 2020, 10:00-11:00

Location: Zoom (ID 62964492521)

Finiteness of matrix equilibrium states

Speaker: Jairo Bochi (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile)

Time: Aug 31, 2020, 20:30-21:30

Location: Zoom (ID 651 5107 9463)

Mixing Properties of BCZ map

Speaker: Yitwah Cheung (Tsinghua University)

Time: Aug 31, 2020, 10:00-11:00

Location: Zoom (ID 651 5107 9463)

Consensusability of multi-agent systems with time delay and/or packet dropout

Speaker: Xu Juanjuan (Shandong University)

Time: Aug 28, 2020, 15:20-16:20

Location: Tencent meeting ID:928191351

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