PDE Seminar

Littlewood-Paley Theory and Navier-Stokes systems II

  • 演讲者:张平(中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院)

  • 时间:2019-04-27 09:00-11:00

  • 地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅

Date:    14:00—16:00, April 26, 2019 (Friday) 

                 9:00—11:00, April 27, 2019 (Saturday)

                 9:00—11:00, April 28, 2019 (Sunday)

Abstract: In the first part, I am going to explain basic facts on Littlewood-Paley theory. In the second part, I am going to explain Fujita-Kato Theory. Finally I am going to explain Cannone-Meyer-Planchon theorem of Navier-Stokes systems. I am going to explain my most recent result on 3-D anisotropic Navier-Stokes system if time is allowed. I am going to give 3 two-hours' lecture by black board.