
Efficient Solvers for Active Contour Models for multi-phase image segmentations


In this talk, we present some efficient numerical solvers for active contour models for multi-phase image segmentation problems. Iterative methods will be employed to minimize the given energy functionals. The proposed minimization algorithms enjoy the energy-decaying property under some conditions and have highly efficient performance in the segmentation. To overcome the initialization issue of active contour models, we develop a multi-phase inhomogeneous graph Laplacian initialization method to give the initial contour of numerical solvers. Numerical experiments are conducted on synthetic images and real images to demonstrate the capability of our initialization method, and the effectiveness of the numerical solvers in the image segmentation.

Short bio
乔中华,香港理工大学教授。2006 年在香港浸会大学获得博士学位。主要从事数值微分方程方面算法设计及分析,特别是相场方程的数值模拟及计算流体力学的高效算法。至今在SIAM Rev、SIAM J. Numer. Anal、SIAM J. Sci Comp、Numer Math、Math Comp、 J. Comp Phys 等计算数学期刊上发表学术论文60 余篇,文章被合计引用 1000 余次。2013 年获香港研究资助局颁发的杰出青年学者奖,2018年获得香港数学会青年学者奖,2020 年获得香港研究资助局研究学者奖。