
On Khovanskii-Teissier type inequalities and Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations


Khovanskii-Teissier inequalities in complex geometry are profound analogs of Aleksandrov-Fenchel inequalities in convex geometry. In this talk, we shall present some new Khovanskii-Teissier type inequalities in certain mixed and degenerate settings, whose proofs are basing on developing certain new Hodge-Riemann bilinear relation on Kaehler manifolds. 


张雅山,2017 年博士毕业于澳门大学,2017-2019 年在 BICMR 从事博士后研究,2019 年起在湖南大学工作;研究方向为复几何与几何分析,部分成果发表在Math.Ann.、Adv.Math.、JFA 等期刊,主持一项国家自然科学基金(青年项目)。