
Fast algorithms for the electromagnetic scattering from a large cavity in three dimensions


Cavity structures have important applications in radar imaging and optimal design. In this talk, we consider the three-dimensional electromagnetic scattering from a large open cavity that is embedded in a perfectly electric conducting infinite ground plane. Fast algorithms based on mode decomposition and fast Fourier transform are discussed for rectangular shaped cavities. In particular, we propose an efficient algorithm to evaluate the singular integrals appeared in the transparent boundary condition at the aperture of the cavity. Comparison with results based on the adaptive finite element method is given to demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithm. Extension to the scattering from axisymmetric shaped cavities as well as the applications to optimal design of minimization of radar cross section will also be discussed. 

Short bio 
赖俊,现浙江大学数学科学学院研究员。2014 年至 2016 年在纽约大学柯朗数学研究所担任讲师。主要方向是研究波动方程的快速算法,特别是利用积分方程理论研究Helmholtz 方程和麦克斯韦方程的高阶快速数值解法,同时研究相关的应用,主要包括波在复杂结构的传播,电磁散射与反散射问题等。