
Numerical Methods for Inverse chromatography problems


Determining competitive adsorption isotherms is an open problem in liquid chromatography. Since traditional experimental trial-and-error approaches are too complex and expensive, a modern technique of obtaining adsorption isotherms is to solve the inverse problem so that the simulated batch separation coincides with actual experimental results. This is a typical ill-posed problem. Moreover, in almost all cases the observed concentration at the outlet is the total response of all components, which makes the problem more difficult. In this talk, we tackle the ill-posedness with some classical regularization methods and a machine learning method, which are based on the fact that the adsorption isotherms do not depend on the injection profile. Numerical tests for both synthetic problems and real-world problems are given to show the efficiency and feasibility of the proposed methods. 

Short bio 
张晔,北京理工大学教授、博士生导师,深圳北理莫斯科大学双聘教授。国家高层次青年人才计划获得者、德国洪堡学者。2014 年获得莫斯科国立大学数学物理副博士。主要研究领域是数学物理反问题的数学建模、数学理论和科学计算。在应用数学和统计学的国际顶级杂志发 l 表高水平论文 20 多篇。