
Fluorescence Ultrasound Modulated Optical Tomography in the Diffusive Regime

Abstract: Fluorescence optical tomography (FOT) is an imaging technology that localizes fluorescent targets in tissues. FOT is unstable and of poor resolution in strongly scattering media where the propagation of multiply-scattered light is highly diffusive. We study a hybrid imaging modality called fluorescent ultrasound-modulated optical tomography (fUMOT). It combines FOT with acoustic modulation to produce high-resolution images of optical properties. The principle of fUMOT is to perform multiple measurements of photon currents at the boundary as the optical properties undergo a series of perturbations by acoustic radiation, then the internal information of the optical field can be extracted from the measurement. We set up a mathematical model for fUMOT, prove well-posedness for certain choices of parameters, and present reconstruction algorithms and numerical experiments for the well-posed cases. This is joint work with Wei Li and Yimin Zhong.