

Mathematics in Ideal Free Distribution I

Speaker: Yuan Lou (Ohio State University&Renmin University of China)

Time: Dec 10, 2018, 16:20-18:10

Conference Room 518, Hui Yuan 3#

Centralizers of hyperbolic flows

Speaker: Boris Hasselblatt (Tufts University)

Time: Dec 10, 2018, 10:30-11:30

Room 307, Lychee Hills 2#

Serial Talks on Inverse Problems III: Inverse scattering approaches for gesture computing and body generation

Speaker: Hongyu Liu (Hong Kong Baptist University)

Time: Dec 10, 2018, 10:00-11:00

Conference Room 429, Hui Yuan 3#


Serial Talks on Inverse Problems II: On magnetic anomaly detections (MAD) using geomagnetic monitoring

Speaker: Hongyu Liu (Hong Kong Baptist University)

Time: Dec 9, 2018, 10:00-11:00

Conference Room 429, Hui Yuan 3#


Computing Integrals Involved Oscillatory Functions and Gaussian Function with a Small Standard Deviation

Speaker: Yunyun MA (Dongguan University of Technology)

Time: Dec 8, 2018, 15:00-16:00

Conference Room 518, Hui Yuan 3#

Extended Sampling Method in Inverse Scattering

Speaker: Juan LIU (Jinan University)

Time: Dec 8, 2018, 14:00-15:00

Conference Room 518, Hui Yuan 3#

Serial Talks on Inverse Problems I: Localization and geometrization in wave scattering and applications

Speaker: Hongyu Liu (Hong Kong Baptist University)

Time: Dec 8, 2018, 10:00-11:00

Conference Room 429, Hui Yuan 3#


Fluids, walls and vanishing viscosity

Speaker: Helena Nussenzveig Lopes (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

Time: Dec 7, 2018, 16:20-17:10

Conference Room 415, Hui Yuan 3#

Existence and stability of some nontrivial steady states for the SKT Competition model with large cross-diffusion

Speaker: Yaping Wu (Capital Normal University)

Time: Dec 7, 2018, 15:00-16:00

Conference Room 415, Hui Yuan 3#

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