

2018 Information Session on Math Undergraduate Programs

Jun 7, 2018

The Department of Mathematics held the 2018 Information Session on Math Undergraduate Programs in the evening of June 5. The event featured several faculty members representing different research areas of the department who provided detailed information about their areas and related degree programs. Undergraduate education at SUSTech follows a “2+2 system” under which students choose their degree programs in the second year of their university study, not at the time they enter the university. This is an internationally recognized system which enables students to make informed decisions about their future career. Over 300 interested second year students attended the event and many faculty members of the department were also present.

The event was hosted by Professor Jingzhi Li, the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Teaching of the department. Professor Zhihong Xia, the Chair of the department, opened the event with a welcome speech. Professor Caiheng Li, the Associate Chair for Research and Graduate Studies, talked about the upcoming math summer camp for graduate students. Professor Jingzhi Li provided advices about course selections for the fall semester. There was a lively question and answer period at the end of the information session with a wide range of questions about specific courses, programs and job markets for math students. The event was very informative and helpful for the students who are about to decide on their degree programs.