Financial Math Seminar

Inverse scattering with phaseless data

  • Speaker: Haiwen Zhang(The Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences)

  • Time: Jun 6, 2024, 10:00-11:00

  • Location: Tencent Meeting:920 169 191 ( Password:0606 )


Inverse scattering with phased data (i.e., data with phase information) has been widely studied mathematically and numerically over the past decades due to its significant applications in such diverse scientific areas as radar and sonar detection, remote sensing, geophysics, medical imaging, and nondestructive testing. However, in many practical applications, it is much harder to obtain data with accurate phase information compared with only measuring the modulus or intensity of the data. Therefore, it is often desirable to study inverse scattering problems with phaseless data (i.e., data without phase information). In this talk, we will introduce our recent work on inverse scattering problems with phaseless data.