人员 > 科研教学系列 > 李展




  • 简历
  • 科研
  • 教学
  • 发表论著





2018 至今  Tenure-Track助理教授,南方科技大学

2015 – 2018 助理教授,北京国际数学研究中心

2014 – 2015 博士后,约翰霍普金斯大学


2009 – 2014 博士,罗格斯大学-新布朗斯维克

2005 – 2009 学士,天津大学





• 泛函分析:2021

• 实变函数(荣誉课程):2022 秋, 2023 

• 实变函数: 2022 秋,2021 秋,2020 2023 

• 抽象代数 (荣誉课程)2019 , 2019 , 2020

• 线性代数 IA2018 秋,2019

• 微分几何:2018


• 代数曲线:2023 春, 2024 秋

     • 微分几何与拓扑专题 - 黎曼面:2022 春

     • 多复变与复几何:2021 

     • 代数几何:2020 



• 微积分 C (医学院), 2015 秋.


• Lecturer, Math 106 Calculus I (for biological and social science), Fall 2014, Spring 2015.


• Recitation lecturer, Math 135 Calculus I (for biological science, business, economics and pharmacy), Spring 2014, Fall 2013, Spring 2011, Fall 2010.

• Recitation lecturer, Math 136 Calculus II (for biological science, business, economics and pharmacy), Spring 2012.

• Workshop lecturer, Math 151 Calculus I (for mathematical science, physical sciences, and engineering), Spring 2013, Fall 2011.

• Workshop lecturer, Math 152 Calculus II (for mathematical science, physical sciences, and engineering), Fall 2012.

"...... For he does his work alone and if he is a good enough writer he must face eternity, or the lack of it, each day."  --  Ernest Hemingway

Publications and Preprints

1. Boundedness of the base varieties of certain fibrations.

Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 109 (2), e12871, 2024.

2. A variant of the effective adjunction conjecture with applications.

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 228, Issue 6, 107626, 2024.

3. (with Jingjun Han) Weak Zariski decompositions and log terminal models for generalized polarized pairs.

Mathematische Zeitschrift, Volume 302, 707–741, 2022.

4. On finiteness of log canonical models.

International Journal of Mathematics, Volume 33, Number 02, 2022.

5. (with Jingjun Han and Lu Qi) ACC for log canonical threshold polytopes. 

American Journal of Mathematics, Volume 143, Number 3, 681–714, 2021.

6. Fujita’s conjecture on iterated accumulation points of pseudo-effective thresholds. 

Selecta Mathematica - New Series, Volume 27, Number 9, 2021.

7. (with Jingjun Han) On accumulation points of pseudo-effective thresholds. 

Manuscripta Mathematica, Volume 165, 537–558, 2021.

8. On derived equivalence of general Clifford double mirrors.

Communications in Number Theory and Physics, Volume 14, Number 3, 585–607, 2020.

9. (with Jingjun Han) On Fujita’s conjecture for pseudo-effective thresholds. 

Mathematical Research Letters, Volume 27, Number 2, 377–396, 2020.

10. (with Lev Borisov) On Clifford double mirrors of toric complete intersections. 

Advances in Mathematics, Volume 328, 300–355, 2018.

11. Counterexamples of Lefschetz hyperplane type results for movable cones. 

Complex Manifolds, Volume 3, Issue 1, 207–210, 2016.

12. On the birationality of complete intersections associated to nef-partitions. 

Advances in Mathematics, Volume 299, 71–107, 2016.

13. (with Lev Borisov) On complete intersections with trivial canonical class. 

Advances in Mathematics, Volume 268, 339–349, 2015.

14. (with Hang Zhao) On the relative Morrison-Kawamata cone conjecture. 

arXiv: 2206.13701.

15. (with Zhiwei Wang) Invariance of plurigenera for generalized polarized pairs with abundant nef parts. 

arXiv: 2208.08073.

16. On the relative Morrison-Kawamata cone conjecture (II).

arXiv: 2309.04673

17. (with Tongji Gao and Lei Zhang) Irregular threefolds with ample anticanonical divisors in positive characteristic.

18. (with Jinsong Xu) Automorphism groups and homogeneous fibrations on algebraic varieties.