Computational & Applied Math Seminar

On PDE models for Asian option prices


时间: 2018-04-06 11:00-12:00

地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅

Approach to the stationary solution existence proof for Navier-Stokes equation by using verified computing


时间: 2018-03-28 16:30-17:30

地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅



时间: 2018-03-27 10:00-11:00

地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅

Modeling Sediment Transport in Shallow Water

演讲者:Tomas Morales(西班牙科尔多瓦大学)

时间: 2018-03-26 11:00-12:00

地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅

An efficient alternating direction method of multipliers for optimal control problems constrained by random Helmholtz equations


时间: 2018-03-20 09:00-10:00

地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅

Asymptotic Preserving (AP) Methods for Compressible Euler and Shallow  Water Equations

演讲者:Alina Chertock(北卡罗来纳州立大学)

时间: 2018-03-06 15:00-16:00

地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅

A coupled physics inverse problem in electro-seismic imaging


时间: 2018-03-05 16:20-17:20

地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅

Decoupling the coupled Navier-Stokes and Darcy equations with realistic parameters

演讲者:Xiaoming He(密苏里科学技术大学)

时间: 2018-01-16 16:10-17:10

地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅



时间: 2018-01-12 14:00-15:00

地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅

Towards Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality: Sparse Polynomial and Reduced Basis Methods for Saddle Point Problems with Random Inputs

演讲者:陈鹏 (德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校)

时间: 2017-12-28 16:20-17:20

地点:慧园3栋 518报告厅

On progressive hedging algorithm and Douglas-Rachford operator splitting method for multistage stochastic variational inequalities


时间: 2017-12-28 15:00-16:00

地点:慧园3栋 518报告厅

Maximal $L^p$-regularity of time discretization and finite element methods

演讲者:李步扬 (香港理工大学)

时间: 2017-12-22 15:30-16:00

地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅

Convergence of numerical solutions of stochastic time-fractional PDEs

演讲者:王冀鲁 (佛罗里达州立大学)

时间: 2017-12-22 15:00-15:30

地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅

Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Methods for an Underground Oil Recovery Model

演讲者:王颖 (奥克拉荷马大学)

时间: 2017-12-19 09:00-10:00

地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅

Adaptive finite element method for incompressible magnetohydrodynamics


时间: 2017-12-14 09:00-10:00

地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅

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