Algebra & Combinatorics Seminar

Incidence estimates for α-dimensional tubes and β-dimensional balls in R2

  • Speaker: Kevin REN (Princeton University), Yuqiu FU (MIT)

  • Time: Sep 15, 2022, 09:00-10:00

  • Location: Zoom ID: 941 1560 4418, Passcode: 123456


We prove essentially sharp incidence estimates for a collection of δ-tubes and δ-balls in the plane, where the δ-tubes satisfy an α-dimensional spacing condition and the δ-balls satisfy a β-dimensional spacing condition. Our approach combines a combinatorial argument for small α,β and a Fourier analytic argument for large α,β. As an application, we prove a new lower bound for the size of a (u,v)-Furstenberg set when v≥1,u+v2≥1, which is sharp when u+v≥2. We also show a new lower bound for the discretized sum-product problem.