Algebra & Combinatorics Seminar

Calabi-Yau algebras and the shifted symplectic structure

  • 演讲者:陈小俊(四川大学)

  • 时间:2021-08-25 14:30-15:30

  • 地点:腾讯会议 ID 490382903


The notion of Calabi-Yau algebras was introduced by Ginzburg in 2007, and has been widely studied by mathematicians in recent years. In this talk, we study several geometric structures on Calabi-Yau algebras, and show that there is a noncommutative version of “shifted" symplectic structure on Calabi-Yau algebras, which induces a shifted symplectic structure on their moduli spaces of derived representations. If time permits we also discuss the derived noncommutative Poisson structure on Calabi-Yau algebras as well as its quantization. This talk is based on the works joint with Eshmatov.